
Posts categorized under "Blog"

NEW RESOURCE: School Meal Marketing Toolkit

As kids across Georgia returned to school this fall – many of them continuing to learn virtually – we’ve heard […]

The Importance of School Meals: Top Things Parents Should Know

The national parenting blog The Motherhood ran a guest post from No Kid Hungry last week, outlining the 5 things […]

The Longest Summer Report: Childhood Hunger in the Wake of the Coronavirus

Before the pandemic, summer was already a hard time for families struggling to feed their kids, with schools closed and […]

Urge the Senate to include SNAP and PEBT in the next COVID-19 relief package

Yesterday Senate Republicans released a draft of the new COVID-19 relief package, the HEALS Act. No Kid Hungry is deeply […]

SNAP Day of Action on June 24

SNAP is one of the most effective tools to fight child hunger. It’s so important that we are declaring Wednesday, […]