No Kid Hungry Tennessee


As the holiday season approaches, many of us look forward to gathering with our loved ones around tables filled with food, love, and laughter. However, many families across Tennessee are struggling. As many as 1 in 6 children in Tennessee could be facing food insecurity. According to the USDA, almost 14 million children across the country are living with hunger – an increase over last year. 

This is unacceptable. For children, food insecurity affects not only their physical health, but their cognitive development, emotional wellbeing, and academic performance. These hardships can follow children throughout their life.  

We know how to end child hunger in Tennessee and across the country. In 2021, we saw a record-low number of children living with hunger due to policies supported by No Kid Hungry, including increased SNAP benefits, Pandemic EBT, and an enhanced Child Tax Credit. When many of those policies ended in 2022, child hunger increased.

While work remains, this past summer proves that when our leaders work together, there can be transformational improvements for our kids. The Summer EBT program enabled over 650,000 children across Tennessee to each receive $120 of grocery benefits over the summer months. In the second year of rural non-congregate flexibilities for summer meals programs, meal sites were able to continue serving students and families in rural areas in Tennessee. You can read about some of these incredible programs, and the hunger heroes who make them happen, on our blog. With the launch of new grocery benefits and expanded meal pickup and delivery services in rural communities, we can reach more and more kids during the hungriest time of the year.

We must build on that momentum. No Kid Hungry Tennessee is here to support schools and community organizations who are interested in starting or expanding their summer non-congregate meals programs and rallying support for the continuation of Summer EBT implementation in 2025. We also must ensure Congress protects and strengthens SNAP through the Farm Bill and expands the Child Tax Credit, so we can ensure all kids have the resources they need to grow up healthy and strong. 

While we share gratitude this holiday season, let’s also remember the children and families across Tennessee facing food insecurity. By raising awareness, sharing our strengths, and advocating for systemic change, we can all work together to create a better future – one where every child in Tennessee has the opportunity to thrive. Helping to ensure that no child goes hungry is one of the greatest gifts we can give, not just during the holidays, but all year round. Thank you to all the nutrition professionals, community partners, and supporters that are working to make No Kid Hungry a reality in Tennessee.


Call to Action: In 2024, Summer EBT supported over 650,000 children in Tennessee and brought more than $72 million into our state’s economy. Our partners at the Tennessee Justice Center have created a sign-on letter to encourage citizens to express their hope for the continuation of this program. If you would like to help the state of Tennessee continue this essential program, please help us send a message to local policy makers to adopt Summer EBT for 2025 and beyond.


Tennessee Justice Center