The Tennessee Child Nutrition Sponsor Gathering takes place the third Wednesday of every month at 10am EST on Zoom with Summer and Afterschool meals sponsors gathering from across the state to share about how their programs are working to serve students in their communities. The idea for the Sponsor Gathering was initiated by the No Kid Hungry Tennessee team in response to sponsors hoping to connect, support and learn from one another. After the initial Zoom gathering in October 2021, it was confirmed that sponsors were excited to continue the efforts to gather monthly.

The gathering typically kicks off with introductions and a question of the day to allow sponsors/guests to share and gain some common ground. Next, representatives from the Tennessee Department of Human Services shares any relevant information around the CACFP/SFSP programs pertaining to applications, training, USDA updates and answers any questions from those joining the call. 

No Kid Hungry will then share any federal level updates that may pertain to these out of school time meal programs and offer any new resources such as templates/tools, marketing materials or upcoming webinars.

The next topic varies and acts as an open forum for sponsors to raise questions, share how their program works or learn about something new from a guest speaker. This January kicked off our full 1 year anniversary of gathering with a whopping 27 participants on the call. There were a lot of questions about the new USDA Omnibus bill which everyone is eager to learn more about. Many people were excited to apply for the NKH Youth Ambassador program to potentially receive paid interns to assist with their summer meal programs. There was also a guest speaker, Chipper Smith from the Department of Education’s Coordinated School Health program who shared about the brand new Healthy Afterschool Pledge that will be kicking off in April.

One of the best outcomes this group of sponsors has been able to offer is the support and relationships that have come out of the time together. At the first few meetings of 2022, few questions were asked and the meetings let out a few minutes early. However, as everyone becomes more comfortable, time has run short during meetings, email introductions have been made and follow up support is being offered.

Finding common ground and being validated in the highs and lows of sponsorship has been a real benefit to our sponsors, state agency and NKH to learn insights on best ways to offer support. If you are interested in joining our monthly gathering, email Marissa Spady by clicking below.