For millions of children, summer is the hungriest time of year. During the school year, they can rely on school programs like breakfast, lunch and afterschool meals. But during the summer, when schools are closed, many of those meals disappear.
As of today, meals this summer may look differently than they have over the pass two years. With waivers expiring on June 30, 2022, USDA does not have the authority to extend or issue nationwide waivers throughout Summer 2022.
To help providers and families adjust to this transition, No Kid Hungry has numerous resources to ensure kids have access to the nutritious food they need to thrive.
- Summer Meals Texting Hotline Number Has Changed!
No Kid Hungry’s texting hotline has a new number. Starting this summer, families should text FOOD or COMIDA to 304-304 to find a site near them. This toolkit includes a range of ready-made promotional materials to help publicize summer meals in your community. Available in English and Spanish, use this resource to maximize the impact of outreach efforts in schools, faith communities, community organizations, social media, and more!

- Communicating Summer Meals 2022 Operations Changes to Parents & Families
Anticipating changes to your summer meals program? Use this resource to help communicate program changes early and often to families in your community. The toolkit provides sample language to include in letters to families, on flyers, and on social media. Drafted language for programs chancing operating and ceasing operation are available in both English and Spanish. Check it out!
- Feeding a Crowd – Tips for Congregate Meal Service
The Summer Meals Program requires that children eat their meals onsite under the congregate meal service requirement. Keeping children onsite to eat meals can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be! This resource provides strategies to make congregate meal service easier for site staff and improve the experience for children and families. Use the strategies outlined to create a welcoming and fun environment and also tips for training and communicating program requirements to site staff and families.
- SFSP & SSO Requirements – Comparison Chart Of Usual Vs. COVID-19 Waiver Operations
This chart briefly describes the program requirements for the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and Seamless Summer Option (SSO). It compares “usual” operational provisions to those allowed under the COVID-19 pandemic waivers. Waivers will not be available for summer 2022 operations. Use this chart as a quick guide, but please do contact your state agency for more information and details on what is allowable for summer 2022 operations.
- ACT. Read and Share the Full Report “Summer Hunger in the United States”
The summer meals program comes with barriers that schools and communities deal with on a regular basis. Share the full report with your Member of Congress and urge them to reinstate the waivers that help so many more kids get the food they need.
- DONATE. Just $10 can help provide up to 100 meals for hungry kids.
No Kid Hungry works with schools, community organizations and local leaders across the country to connect kids to the food they need. Your generous donations will help end summer hunger for kids across the country.
- SPREAD THE WORD. Use the toolkit and #ShareSummer
With so many sites closing this year, many families will need a hand with information about where to find meals for kids. No Kid Hungry is operating a texting service to help. Families and community leaders can text ‘FOOD’ or ‘COMIDA’ to 304-304 for information. Use this this toolkit, which includes a range of ready-made promotional materials to help publicize summer meals in your community.