
Posts categorized under "Blog"

5 Things to Know About the Farm Bill and How It Fights Hunger

The Farm Bill is our nation’s largest and most important piece of food and farming legislation, impacting access to healthy […]

School’s Out, Summer Meals Are In, Here in Tennessee

It’s that time of year again! For many kids across Tennessee, school is out and summer is here – and […]

Celebrating National School Lunch Hero Day with No Kid Hungry Tennessee

National School Lunch Hero Day was May 5th! In 2013, the School Nutrition Association and Lunch Ladies author Jarrett J. […]

Celebrate National School Breakfast Week with No Kid Hungry Tennesee

Happy National School Breakfast Week! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and critical in ensuring kids have […]

Join Us! Tennessee Child Nutrition Sponsor Gathering

The Tennessee Child Nutrition Sponsor Gathering takes place the third Wednesday of every month at 10am EST on Zoom with […]