
Posts categorized under "Blog"

Bridging the Summer Hunger Gap: A Comprehensive Approach to Food Insecurity

We may still be in the cold days of winter, but trust us – summer is coming quicker than you […]

How St. Mary’s City Schools Utilizes Alternative Breakfast Models to Increase Participation

The pandemic brought many shifts to school meal programs across Ohio and the country. In most districts, meal service models […]

5 Things to Know About the Farm Bill and How It Fights Hunger

The Farm Bill is our nation’s largest and most important piece of food and farming legislation, impacting access to healthy […]

How Non-Congregate Meals are Expanding Access for Greenfield Exempted Village Schools

Summer can be one of the hungriest times of the year for kids across the country who lose access to […]

School’s Out, Summer Meals Are In

It’s that time of year again! For many kids across Ohio, school is out and summer is here – and […]