Press Release

Posts categorized under "Press Release"

No Kid Hungry grants over $115K to combat summer hunger in rural communities across South Carolina

Thanks to federal policy changes, schools and community groups can serve free summer meals in new ways this year – […]

PRESS RELEASE: No Kid Hungry grants $330,000 to school districts across South Carolina

RELEASE:  No Kid Hungry grants $330,000 to school districts across South Carolina    No Kid Hungry South Carolina Promotes School Meal Programs during the pandemic […]

RELEASE: New Study Shows Breakfast after the Bell Can Reduce Chronic Absenteeism

Nearly 8 million students a year are considered “chronically absent,” meaning they miss at least three weeks of school per […]

RELEASE: New Research on Child Hunger in Rural America

Economic instability and lack of jobs cited as underlying factors in series of in-depth interviews. Contacts:  Adrienne Carter at Zuani […]