THE LATEST Here you'll find blog posts, press releases, newsletters, and more that help show the effect that hunger has on kids in your community.
Press Release NO KID HUNGRY TEXAS BOLSTERS PASADENA ISD BREAKFAST PROGRAMS WITH $50,000 GRANT [February 11, 2025, Pasadena, Texas] – Today, No Kid Hungry Texas announced $50,000 in grant funding to the Pasadena Independent […]
Press Release No Kid Hungry Texas Convenes Anti-Hunger Champions for Summer EBT Advocacy Day at the Capitol [AUSTIN, TEXAS]-With the 89th Texas Legislative session underway, No Kid Hungry Texas will convene anti-hunger champions and constituents to advocate […]
Blog Una nueva encuesta de No Kid Hungry revela que las familias de Texas tienen dificultades para comprar alimentos debido que los costos aumentan más rápido que los ingresos Las familias de las escuelas públicas y de las zonas rurales de Texas son las más afectadas por la crisis […]
Press Release New Poll Reveals Texans Struggling to Afford Groceries, Forcing Difficult Tradeoffs Families sacrifice nutritious meals and must decide between food and bills in order to feed their kids [September 3, 2024, […]
Press Release Un nuevo estudio revela que familias en Texas enfrentan desafíos para comprar alimentos, lo que les obliga a tomar decisiones difíciles Las familias sacrifican comidas nutritivas y deben decidir entre comprar comida y pagar las facturas para alimentar a sus hijos […]
Blog New No Kid Hungry Poll Finds Texas Families Struggling to Afford Groceries as Costs Rise Faster Than Incomes Public School Families and Rural Texans are Hardest Hit by Food Affordability Crisis, With Over Half Reporting Signs of Food […]
Blog Los Sabores del Pozole: Evento de Sabor de NEISD en la Escuela Secundaria Reagan El Distrito Escolar Independiente del Noreste (NEISD, por sus siglas en inglés) organizó un emocionante evento culinario que transportó las […]
Blog The Flavors of Pozole: NEISD’s Taste Event at Reagan High School The North East Independent School District (NEISD) hosted an exciting culinary event that transported taste buds to the heart of […]
Press Release NO KID HUNGRY STRENGTHENS RURAL SUMMER MEAL PROGRAMS THROUGH $123,550 INVESTMENT Today, No Kid Hungry Texas announced $123,550 in funding to 7 rural school districts and community organizations designed to expand […]