No Kid Hungry Virginia Breakfast Grant

The No Kid Hungry Breakfast Expansion Grants aim to support schools with the purchase of approved equipment, materials, and initiatives facilitating alternative breakfast delivery models.

Schools currently implementing or preparing to implement a breakfast after the bell delivery model are welcome to apply. Applications for up to $5,000 per school are welcome.

To apply, login to the grants portal here:

The next grant deadline is August 30. The following deadline to apply for grants will be November 15. Contact Catherine Spacciapoli at with any questions.

Click here for the Breakfast after the Bell grant flyer.

Afterschool Meals Grant Opportunity

This grant opportunity is funded through No Kid Hungry to help At-Risk Afterschool Meal sponsors expand participation in afterschool meals and extended day meal programs that receive reimbursement through the USDA’s Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Supper program must be located in an eligible site or area, and served in conjunction with an eligible afterschool enrichment program.

Top priorities for support:

Starting new CACFP supper programs, OR NSLP or CACFP sponsors providing a full meal in place of or in addition to a snack, OR CACFP sponsors looking to expand their program and reach more kids.

To apply, login to the No Kid Hungry Grants Portal here:

The next grant deadline is August 30. The following deadline to apply for grants will be November 15. Contact Catherine Spacciapoli at with any questions.

Click here for the Afterschool Meals grant flyer.