SUN Bucks

New Grocery Benefit: $120 per eligible child!

Summer EBT, also called SUN Bucks in Montana, is a federal program that provides families with $120 per eligible child to buy groceries during the summer. The program’s goal is to reduce child hunger when children are not in school.

Important SUN Bucks 2024 Info:

  • The application period is currently closed for summer 2024.
  • One new EBT card (like a debit card) will be issued per household. Ex: if a household has 4 eligible children, then $480 will be loaded on one new SUN Bucks debit card and sent to the household.
  • In 2024, Montana is sending cards out late, so SUN Bucks 2024 will be mailed out in fall 2024.

Who will get SUN Bucks?

SUN Bucks 2024: Families who were directly certified for free/reduced price school meals through public assistance programs (like SNAP) or who submitted an application before August 2024 should receive SUN Bucks. Montana will mail cards late this year, so cards will arrive in the fall. SUN Bucks 2024 applications are now closed. 

SUN Bucks 2025: Montana will have SUN Bucks in 2025!

How can I use SUN Bucks?

Sun Bucks must be used within 122 days from when funds are issued. Benefits will be mailed on a debit-style EBT card that can be used at stores, farmers markets, and online retailers that accept SNAP.

Will SUN Bucks affect other benefits?

SUN Bucks will not affect other benefits you receive. SUN Bucks will be issued in addition to other benefits. SUN Bucks will not affect immigration status.

Household-specific Questions?

The Office of Public Instruction can answer child specific questions.

Contact the hotline at (406) 444-0044 or email

More SUN Bucks information:

Contact No Kid Hungry Montana at Or visit the Office of Public Instruction’s Summer EBT webpage using the link below.

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