On September 28, the Biden-Harris Administration hosted the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, bringing together hundreds of leaders from across the country working on solutions to end hunger by 2030. Jackie Bogart, the community empowerment coordinator with the Food Bank of the Southern Tier, was nominated by No Kid Hungry to participate in the conference. The following is what Jackie had to say about her trip to the White House and what she hopes to see next out of this pivotal moment:
“Attending the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health was a once in a lifetime opportunity – there hasn’t been one in more than 50 years. I can tell you first hand that for many people struggling with food insecurity, you can often feel alone and that others are not looking out for you. But I saw a different perspective at this Conference. I saw proof that people in government care – community leaders are doing what they can to help people facing hunger.

Jackie shared some photos from the Conference, including one with Anne Lee, a recent graduate of the Food Bank of the Southern Tier’s Community Advocates Training program, which Jackie is also an alumna of.
The conference was proof to me that this is solvable, but not one group can do it alone. There are so many people whose life work is developing solutions to address food insecurity- many more than I had ever realized. I left hopeful that change can come, but I also know this was just the first step towards ending hunger. There’s a lot of work ahead, and we need everyone to step up – the federal government, New York State, nonprofits, corporations, every day people. Together, we can end hunger.”
Earlier this year, Share Our Strength – No Kid Hungry’s parent organization – submitted policy recommendations to the White House to help form its national strategy, and has committed to providing $500 million in support by 2030 to strengthen programs that feed children.