
Posts categorized under "Blog"

Back to School: Food is the Most Important School Supply

As kids prepare to head back to school this fall, we know that food is the most important school supply. Kids […]

Free Meals for Virginia Kids this Summer

For many families across the Commonwealth, summer is here! While we know that summer can be considered a time where […]

School Lunch Hero Hall of Fame

Thank You, School Lunch Heroes! Last Friday, May 5th was School Lunch Hero Day! On this special day and throughout […]

School Lunch Hero Day!

May 5th, 2023 is School Lunch Hero Day! This wonderful day is recognized annually on the first Friday in May, […]

Food Insecurity Rates on the Rise

Rising Food Prices & Childhood Hunger   According to new survey findings released by No Kid Hungry, 58% of middle-income […]