
Posts categorized under "Blog"

Back to School: Food is the Most Important School Supply

Back to School: Food is the Most Important School Supply Important Information about School Meals Changes    All across Virginia, […]

Media Roundup: Our Media Hits From Summer 2022

This summer has been busy! With the recent passing of the Keep Kids Fed Act and the Virginia State Budget, […]

5 Things to Know About the Farm Bill and How It Fights Hunger

The Farm Bill is our nation’s largest and most important piece of food and farming legislation, impacting access to healthy […]

Approved State Budget Means More Virginia Children Have Access to School Breakfast and Lunch

  🚨 Virginia’s new state budget will enable children who qualify for reduced- priced school meals to eat breakfast and […]

Summer Updates and Resources

  It’s that time of year! For many kids across the Commonwealth, school is out and summer is here. And […]