
Posts categorized under "Blog"

Naples Nonprofit Fights Hunger with a Solar-Powered Food Truck Known As ‘Miss Blueberry’

Naples, Fla. – With inflation rates hitting at an all-time high this year and gas prices not far behind, families […]

Summer Meals Marketing and Toolkit 2022 For millions of children, summer is the hungriest time of year. During the school year, they can rely on […]

Urgent: Schools Need Waivers to Continue Feeding Kids

On Thursday, February 24, 2022, No Kid Hungry will host a digital day of action for kids across the country. […]

Connecting Across County Lines: Supporting Families in Rural DeSoto County

All Faiths Food Bank is the largest hunger relief organization in Sarasota and DeSoto counties. Each year, All Faiths provides millions […]

Building A Community For All

Hispanic Unity of Florida is the largest immigrant-serving nonprofit organization in Broward County, Fla., and is dedicated to “empowering immigrants […]